The Best Fan Heaters 2019

Are you looking to buy a fan heater in the UK?

We've combined all the ratings for fan heaters from Amazon UK, Argos and John Lewis, then calculated a top five.

Products Found...
= 70
= 12
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The Top 5
Price Guide
£15 - £40
91 Product Ratings Checked

This free report will show you five established and reliable fan heaters, performing as owners expect. These unbiased recommendations are based solely on combined owner reviews from different shops.

Our ratings-driven look at the wider market often highlights unexpected models for sale. It can also steer you away from a 'bestseller' - if ratings are inconsistent at the different shops.


How does it work?

We begin by building a list of fan heaters with more than 50 ratings at Amazon UK, Argos and John Lewis. This jumps straight to the established products, and this minimum number of ratings reveals how they've actually performed, according to many owners.

Any fan heaters with less than 4 stars are removed. We now have a list of the higher rated models, with a credible amount of opinion.

We use the same criteria for all our consumer reports: each product must have over 50 reviews and more than 4 stars. After sorting the list by ratings, we compile a Top 5.

The Best Rated Fan Heaters 2019

Make & Model Total RatingsAverage Rating£ GuideQuick view
Pro Breeze Ceramic Fan Heater7604.7£££Amazon
Chefavor Portable Fan Heater804.7££Amazon
Simple Value Fan Heater5214.6£Argos
Challenge Flat Fan Heater7974.5££Argos
Dimplex Fan Heater5394.5££Argos

Total Ratings = Combined ratings from Amazon UK, Argos and John Lewis taken: Februarty 8th 2019. Our reports only consider products with more than 50 verified reviews.

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You can re-sort this Top 5 - it's currently sorting from the highest rated.

Below are links out to UK stores selling these top rated fan heaters. There you can learn more about product features, and find today's best prices.

Feature & Review Highlights

Pro Breeze Ceramic Fan Heater

  • 2kW Fan Heater
  • Ceramic Technology
  • “Was a bit dubious about its size, but it works extremely well and heats a room in no time at all. The thermostat can be set to a wide range of temperatures and turns off and on to keep the room toasty.”


Chefavor Portable Fan Heater

  • 950W Fan Heater
  • Ceramic Heating Elements
  • “Heating efficiency is quite satisfactory for my room and I leave it usually on for about 10 minutes at maximum settings. I am quite happy so far as its serving me well during this chilled weather.”


Simple Value Fan Heater

  • 2kW Fan Heater
  • 2 Heat Settings
  • “This item makes such a difference and warms it up quickly, also can be used as a fan when hot. I would highly recommend this item. ”


Challenge Flat Fan Heater

  • 3kW Fan Heater
  • 2 Heat Settings
  • “It heats up a room very quickly taking the chill off. The model also looks good and makes less noise than other heaters when it is switched on.”


Dimplex Fan Heater

  • 3kW Fan Heater
  • 2 Heat Settings
  • “Unlike the old heaters like this, this one is quiet light and efficient and highly effective for what I needed it for.”

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